Posts Tagged "sales"

Your Automated Sales Force
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Your Automated Sales Force

By on Apr 25, 2020 in Blog, content, sales

Ever wish you could hire a team of savvy sales people to stay in touch with your prospective clients and encourage them to buy? When you put a few simple systems in place, you can easily replace an expensive sales force with automated tools that allow you to keep your products and services in front of potential clients. You’ll not only make more money, but...

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Sales Tips for the Reluctant Sales Person
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Sales Tips for the Reluctant Sales Person

By on Dec 15, 2017 in Blog, sales

We’re all sales people. Every time you have a prospective client on a discovery call, you’re making a sales pitch. [tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]Every time you send an email or write a blog post with an offer, you’re making a sales pitch.[/tweet_box] Every time you write an opt-in page, you’re making a...

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A Funnel – A Simple Diagram to Solve Your Sales Challenges
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A Funnel – A Simple Diagram to Solve Your Sales Challenges

By on Aug 16, 2017 in Blog, content, Email Marketing, Internet Marketing

For an online business owner, a sales funnel is probably the most important marketing tool you have. And yet many entrepreneurs – both new and established – have no clear understanding of what a funnel is or how it works. As you can imagine, failing to fully understand this critical part of your business means fewer sales, lower profits, and ultimately,...

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