Posts Tagged "social networking"

What is Social Media, Really?

What is Social Media, Really?

By on Jul 13, 2012 in Blog, Social Media, Social Networking

Social media is certainly the buzz of today, but what is it, how can it benefit you, and why do you really care? Glad you asked. First, let’s stress that if you think social media is a fad that’s going to disappear you couldn’t be further from the truth. Social media is a phenomenon and it’s taking the internet by storm. Those who were quick...

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Look Whose Talking! (on Social Media Forums)

Look Whose Talking! (on Social Media Forums)

By on Jan 18, 2012 in Blog

“Communities can extend the edge of the corporation in truly transformative ways — tapping into new talent, helping design products and services, providing customer support and, most importantly, building the brand with the customer.” Ed Moran What if your website could be THE place where people connect online? Where they could meet one another,...

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Oh, NO! Not Another Social Network – Google+ and You

By on Aug 1, 2011 in Blog

You have probably already heard of the latest social network created by Google, called Google+ (Google Plus). And you may even be scratching your head saying, oh, no not ANOTHER social network! I can barely keep up with all the things going on on FACEBOOK, LinkedIn and Twitter and now I have to think about getting involved in another? Well yes, and no. Yes if you...

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Social Strategies

Social Strategies

By on Apr 30, 2011 in Blog

The future of online marketing is social media. No let me rephrase that. TODAY, online marketing IS Social Media marketing. Just take a look at the infograph (created by and it shows you just how much time people spend on Social Media. According to the latest Nielsen data, the average person visits  89 domains per month with an average of...

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