Buying and Selling Domain Names

By on May 22, 2013 in Blog, Domains for sale

… is an art. Make Money Buying And Selling Domain Names

The Internet domain market has become more and more lucrative in the past few years. Although long gone are the days of buying and selling domains for ridiculous prices, there is still money to be made for savvy internet marketers and domain name resellers who want to create a business around domain purchasing.

And you are likely also keenly aware that almost all companies as well as many individual people these days have websites, and most would prefer their websites to have a name that is immediately recognizable. Having the RIGHT domain name can tell people what websites are about. This can be a big plus when someone is doing a search on the net, looking for something specific. Although almost anyone can have a free website through his or her Internet provider, the addresses of these websites will usually contain the name of the provider first, and then whatever name the user chooses for the website. For example, if your Internet provider is called ABC Internet, and you build a website using the web space that your provider gives you, you may want to name your website “MY Company”. Though you would prefer the website to simply be called, not

Companies and individuals prefer their website names to be succinct and to the point. This is where domain name buyers and sellers come in. No two people can use the exact same domain name – domain names are registered to owners – therefore, every time someone wants to give a website a certain name, he or she must first do a search to see if that domain name is already taken. If the domain name is taken, then he or she can check to see if it is for sale, and possibly buy it from whoever owns it. Or choose a less than perfect optional name. For instance if is not available, but is, that is one option or adding a descriptive to the title such as may also work.

Many internet savvy people have discovered that buying and selling domain names can be quite lucrative if done properly. The more registered domain names you own and are willing to sell, the more money you can make from people who want to use them. If you are interested in buying and selling domains, however, you must first do a little research. If you own several domain names, but they aren’t ones that most people would be interested in using, then you are sitting on inventory that isn’t going to move – and this inventory costs you money. Domain name registrations need to be renewed periodically, and this always involves a fee. To actually make money selling domain names, you need to own names that are popular. If you own a domain name called “”, there probably isn’t going to be a big market for it. If, however, you own a domain named called “”, you may find that more people are interested in using this name.

The most popular method that people use to make money from selling domain names is to become a domain name reseller through a domain name registrar. Using this method, you buy and register available domain names from a licensed registrar at wholesale prices, and then you can turn around and sell these domain names for a profit. Licensed registrars usually welcome this type of business transaction, as it drums up more business for them, since the resellers provide most of the advertising. Many large domain name sellers are actually resellers for even larger domain name registrars. This type of business relationship is common.

As a domain name buyer and reseller, you will need to find ways to advertise your business. If your domain name buying and reselling business is small, you can usually just post ads on websites and forums where people advertise domain names for sale. There are hundreds (or even thousands) of domain selling websites and message boards on the Internet. You can find them by searching the Internet and typing in Domains for sale or Domain Resellers.

If you goal is to create a large domain name buying and reselling business, then your best bet is to create your own website where people can search through or inquire about the domain names that you have available for sale. Your website should include reliable contact information so that potential buyers can ask any questions that they might have. Spending a little money for advertising can go a long way in ensuring that your domain name buying and selling business will be a success.

I “own” more than 300 Domains. Recently I decided to sell a few of them to develop the ones I am most interested in. You an learn more below:

Redhead Marketing, Inc. has a few Domains for Sale. Check them out here:

If you would like to register a Domain Name or check for availability, visit today!

Best of luck with your Domain Buying and Selling Adventure!

Heidi Richards Mooney is the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of WE Magazine for Women, a WordPress Web Designer, the author of a dozen books and a social media consultant and trainer. Heidi has interviewed hundreds of experts on Social Media Around the World. In 2003 Heidi was named one of 50 women shaping the Internet by the International Virtual Women’s Chamber of Commerce. In 2009 she was named a Twitter Woman to Follow by She works with solopreneurs, professionals and small businesses in ecommerce, direct sales and retail. Follow Heidi on Google Plus

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