Creating a Digital Product – FAST

Creating a Digital Product – FAST

By on May 1, 2019 in Blog, Digital Content

Opportunities to create brand new products are everywhere, you just have to keep your eyes open. For example, not too long ago Facebook was strictly for connecting. Then things changed, and Facebook advertising took over the scene, along with tons of products on how to market on Facebook. Same thing with Pinterest – a fews short years ago most people had never even heard of Pinterest, yet now there are all kinds of products on how to make money or build a larger audience using Pinterest.

So how do you create a great selling product today? The number one thing to keep in mind is SPEED. When you find a need in the market, don’t sit on it, ACT on it. Today.

And forget about making all encompassing products of 250 pages with 37 videos, at least until you’ve got several smaller products under your belt. Why? Because those big products take time to put together and launch. Think of moving a massive army from one place to another – it can take weeks. Now think about a single fighter jet – with airborne refueling you can get that plane anywhere in the world in a day. By being fast and light on your product creation feet, you can have more products to sell to a wider audience, too.

Are you ready to make your next product? The first step is to look for problems – and when you find a good one – find a solution. Then make the product in ONE sitting. Sometimes one sitting means you sitting down and writing out the product or recording videos. Other times it means outsourcing the work to your favorite (and fastest) coder: For example, if you’re making a plug-in.

Odds are you’ll be creating most of your own products – so why do it in one day? Because the more time you give yourself, the less likely it is that you will ever finish the product. But if you tell yourself that you’re not going to get up from your desk until you finish the product, guess what happens? You cut out all of the fluff and all of the excuses, and you take rapid fire action.

What happens when you cut out the fluff? You give your customers actionable material they can use immediately. It’s a better product because it gets them results faster. And the better their results, the more likely it is that they’ll want to come back to you and see what else you’ve got.

Something else great happens as well when you make your products in a single day. Because you’re acting on your product idea WHEN you have the product idea, you’re at your maximum enthusiasm for the project. This will fire synapses in your brain and make new connections that find new solutions like you’re some kind of wizard. In fact, you will likely astonish yourself at just how good your new product is.

So how do you make a product in a day? Simple: First present the problem and then give them the solution in a step-by-actionable-step format. That’s the formula. Tell them what the problem is and why it’s a problem. Go ahead and write this into your product – you’ll need it in your sales page anyway, and it reminds the customer of why they bought your product in the first place.

Once you’ve stated the problem you’re going to solve and how much better they’ll feel when it is solved, give them the solution. Step 1, do this. Step 2, do that. Use pictures, screen captures, videos, whatever it takes to clearly show them what to do. You’re solving one problem with one solution. Not 100 solutions – that just confuses everyone. One problem and one solution.

Using the one problem – one solution – one day method, you can have your next product completed today. Or tomorrow. And then you can do another. And another, and another.

If this is your first time creating a product, I’m going to recommend that you plan on selling it at a low price. Why? First, to get more sales and build a bigger list. Second, to take the pressure off. What happens when you feel pressure? You put things off because you feel stressed. But if you plan on selling your product for $3 to $10, how much pressure is there really? Almost none.

So go ahead and create your next product, or your first product, today. Remember, solve one problem with one solution, rinse and repeat. And have fun!

Be sure and check out our latest resource:  Launch Your Own Digital Products Business to learn the step-by-step process to create your own digital products quickly and professionally.