Your Website ABOUT Page
As an expert on Web Optimization, one of the things I coach clients on is how to create CONTENT for their site for their Visitors AND The Search Engines.
Most people will write for one or the other, and not always for both. By that I mean, they might write the type of benefits and information their prospects and clients are looking for but it is difficult for new prospects to find because they have not learned how to “optimize” each page so they can get found by people looking for what they have to offer.
Over the next few weeks I will be sharing several SEO tips with you including the type of information most likely to get higher rankings in search engines, how to “label” your pages, how to use keywords, keyword research, tagging and much more.
Today I wanted to talk about the ABOUT page. The about page is ABOUT YOU. Why? People want to know there is a human behind the website, someone they can connect with, perhaps get to know and more importantly feel confident about doing business with. How often do you go to a website looking for information about a company only to find a string of meaningless drivel disguised as a company bio? It does not feel like you are doing business with “someone” but rather with “some thing.”
Here are the 5 W’s of a good website ABOUT or ABOUT US page:
Tell them WHO you are. Show your personality. Are you conservative, sassy, smart, a little crazy, fun loving, love to read? Maybe share one little tidbit you like to do when you are not doing what you DO.
Tell them WHAT you do. What is it you do that can help your visitor. Are you a rocket scientist? A widget expert?
Tell them WHEN you started doing what you do. How long have you been doing what you do? Even if it started out as a hobby, its still going to give you credibility. Of course if you just started doing it yesterday, maybe you leave this part off – or better yet, offset your lack of time in the game with some really powerful TESTIMONIALS.
Tell them WHERE you are. If you are in San Francisco, or Houston or London or San Paolo, let your visitors know that. It can help build a stronger connection. Even if you have a company that sells to a global market, it is always good to know someone’s “roots.”
Tell them WHY you do what you do. WHY did you start doing that ‘thing’ you do? What inspired you? What drove you to do it?
The ABOUT page is all about showing someone why you are the EXPERT. The person your prospect might want to do business with. Its about building up your credibility in the eyes and minds of your audience. And it must be done correctly, with conviction and with integrity.
Other things you can include on your ABOUT page:
Your Photo and photos of your employees if appropriate (link to a gallery)
Include a link to your bio (and bios of other key people in your company)
Interesting facts and website statistics.
Contact information – in addition to a CONTACT page that is accessible from EVERY part of your website, go ahead and add contact info to your ABOUT PAGE. Make it really easy for your visitor to find you. Another way to build trust.
A list of Clients (or a link to another page if the list is long).
Other Business Interests/Websites you run
Links to Social Media you participate in.
Your mission statement/business philosphy
A few ABOUT page tips:
Read your current ABOUT page out loud. See how it sounds to you. Ask for other people’s opinion (someone you trust and admire who will give you honest, valuable feedback). Rewrite it until is sounds natural. When you read it, would you like to do business with YOU?
There should be a good balance of your business acumen and your personality.
The ABOUT page is your chance to build a relationship with potential clients. It is your chance to show that you are a real person and your site is real, not run by robots or someone only out for themselves. Remember that people have a need to connect with other people. That is why social networks are so popular.
And check out the following examples of good ABOUT pages:
Feel free to share a link to your ABOUT page in the comments below.
Also if you live in South Florida, be sure to check out my Cashing In on the WEB workshop taking place on October 1, 2011. Only $77 and you can bring a friend for an additional $20. But you must register by 5pm Thursday to take advantage of that special offer.
Heidi Richards Mooney is the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of WE Magazine for Women, a WordPress Web Designer, the author of a dozen books and a social media consultant and trainer. Heidi has interviewed hundreds of experts on Social Media Around the World. In 2003 Heidi was named one of 50 women shaping the Internet by the International Virtual Women’s Chamber of Commerce. In 2009 she was named a Twitter Woman to Follow by She works with solopreneurs, professionals and small businesses in ecommerce, direct sales and retail. Follow Heidi on Google Plus