15 Ways to Call Your Prospect to Action

15 Ways to Call Your Prospect to Action

By on Jun 25, 2019 in Blog, content, Copywriting, Digital Content, Lead Generation

BusinessDictionary.com defines a  CALL-TO-ACTION (CTA) as  “Words that urge the reader, listener, or viewer of a sales promotion message to take an immediate action, such as ‘Write Now,’ ‘Call Now,’ or (on Internet) ‘Click Here.’ A retail advertisement or commercial without a call-to-action is considered incomplete and ineffective.” 

Here are our 15 call-to-Action examples for you to modify and use in your specific situations.

1. Justify the price.

• Would you trade a pizza for these money-making secrets? If you act now, you get everything you see on this page for the price of a medium pizza – just $14.97! You won’t find a better deal around. So take out your credit card and click the buy now button to get started…

• You can’t afford to NOT get this hurricane preparation book today. Just imagine what would happen if a hurricane hit before you were ready. Imagine not having the necessary food and water or the access to medical help in the event of an emergency. This book is just $9.99 – and it’s a small price to pay for peace of mind.

Click here now to download this life-saving information…

• You get the complete “Make Money at Home” DVD set for the low price of $27. Think of it: If you use just one strategy from this course you can easily recoup your investment and start putting a profit in your pocket. So take out your credit card now and click the “buy now” button below to get started…

2. Reverse risk by offering a free trial.

• You don’t have to say “yes” today. You don’t even have to send any money! Simply join now and try it absolutely free for one week. If you love it – and I’m sure you will – then do nothing and your credit card will be charged $27 for next month’s membership… and you’ll get uninterrupted access!

Click the “join” button below right now to get started…

• Look around and you’ll see others charging $50 a month or more for their home study courses – and none of them guarantee results like I do. Now I’m going to sweeten the pot further by making you an offer you can’t refuse: Join now and your first month is free. If you agree that this is the best money making course, do nothing and you’ll get uninterrupted access to these materials for just $19 a month…

Click the join button to get started…

• I’m going to make you an irresistible offer: Try out the “Alternative Home Remedies” course now for FREE for 30 days. If you like it, do nothing and it’s yours to keep for just $19. Otherwise ship it back to me at my expense without obligation.

Click the order button to get started now…

3. Reverse risk by offering a low-cost trial ($1).

• Most people pay $47 a month for their membership. But if act now I’ll give you a one month trial for just $1. If you’re not absolutely thrilled with the affiliate marketing training guides – if you don’t agree that this site will turn you into a successful affiliate – then simply contact me within 29 days and you won’t get billed for the 2nd month.


If you love it (and I’m sure you will) then do nothing – your credit card will be charged just $47 next month and you’ll get uninterrupted access to everything we’ve talked about on this page! Click the “join” button below to get started…

• Here’s an unbeatable offer: Join now and you get the first month’s issue of this affiliate training newsletter for just $1. If you agree that this newsletter reveals money-making tips that you’ve never seen anywhere else, then do nothing and your subscription will continue for just $17 per month. Otherwise cancel within 29 days and keep the first issue as my gift to you.

Fair enough? Then take out your credit card and click the order button below now to get started…

• You’re getting $99 worth of marketing secrets – and if you act right now, you can access to the site for just $1 for the first month. If you agree that this is your ticket to quitting your day job, then you can continue your subscription for just $17 a month.

You won’t find this sort of information anywhere else! So get out your credit card and order now to get instant access!

4. Create urgency by offering limited quantities.

• The fewer people I let get access to these PLR licenses, the more money you’ll make. That’s why this offer is only limited 100 members – and there are only 37 spots left. Hurry and claim your membership now for just $17 before they’re all gone – click here to get started!

• These money-making secrets are so valuable that I’ve only printed 500 copies of this course – and once they’re gone, they’re gone. You’ll never again have an opportunity to see my marketing blueprints in detail. Make sure you’re one of the lucky few to grab this course now for just $297…

• This is the last online software programming class I’ll ever teach before I retire. If you let this opportunity slip by today, you’ll kick yourself. Take out your credit card now to get started – but hurry, because just 19 virtual seats remain open…

5. Create urgency by offering temporarily limited quantities or possible delays.

• Just 4 copies remain in stock, so order now to avoid shipping delays! Take out your credit card and click the order button to claim your copy now…

• If you don’t join the class today, you’ll have to wait 12 weeks before you get another chance to learn how to take care of your loved one who has Alzheimer’s Disease. A lot can change in three months, so take out your credit card now to join this class today…

• Our shipping and distribution company closes for two weeks over the holiday season. That means if you don’t order now, you’ll have to wait more than two weeks to get your DVDs. But if you act now, I’ll send them by overnight express at my expense…

6. Create “fear of loss” by reminding prospects of what they’ll miss out on if they don’t purchase now.

• If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll get the same result. That’s why each moment you hesitate is another moment you’ll struggle with your weight. Each day that you’re not using this remarkable diet is a missed opportunity. Take out your credit card and click here to get started – because you deserve to be thin…

• Right at this moment there are people all over the world who’re sitting down to write the first line of their first novel. That could be you. You could be the one penning the novel. You could be the one winning literary awards. You could be the one with a book on the New York Times Bestseller list.

There’s only way path to those dreams – and it starts right here when you click the “order now” button below…

• Isn’t it time you learned the truth about affiliate marketing? If you hesitate today, you’re missing an opportunity to make a sale and put money in your pocket. And every day you’re not using this course is a day of more missed opportunities and lost income. Get started now by clicking here…

7. Create urgency by offering special pricing for a limited time.


• The doors don’t officially open until tomorrow. But if you act now you can get in for the special pre-launch price of just $27! Click here to order now – if you wait, you’ll pay triple the price tomorrow!

• Order now and you’ll get the entire “Plan a Caribbean Wedding” package for just $100 $49.99! That’s a whopping 50% discount – but you need to be quick, because this offer ends in 24 hours!

Click the PayPal button to order and get instant access to package…

• If you act now, you can get this entire “Beat Social Anxiety and Shyness” package for just $27. But order now because this half-off introductory pricing is only good until Sunday at midnight…

8. Create urgency by offering special pricing to the next X number of customers.

• Here’s an unbeatable offer: If you’re one of the next 7 people to say “yes” to this offer, you’ll lock in a low price of just $14.97 per month. But once these seven spots are gone, the price shoots to $29.97. It’s a steal at that price – but why pay more?

Click the “Join” button below to lock in your low price…

• If you’re quick, you can get this amazing package and all the bonuses for just $197. But you need to act now, because this offer is only available to the next 9 customers who click here to order!

• I think you’ll agree that this is an extraordinary deal for just $99. But let me make this a total no brainer – if you’re one of the next 22 people to order right now, you’ll get this amazing book and all the bonuses for just $47. Click here to get started before this offer disappears!

9. Close the sale by offering a bonus.

• I think you’ll agree that this is an absolute bargain at just $17. But I’m going to sweeten the pot – if you order now, I’ll also toss in a free keyword research tool…

• You’re smart, so you can see that you’re getting $387 worth of value for just $77. But to make this decision brain-dead simple, I’m going to take it a step further – if you act now, you’ll also get two free bonus recipe books absolutely free…

• Even though you’re getting an extraordinary deal, here’s an unbeatable offer: If you order right now, I’ll add a “How to Get Rid of Moles” eBook for free! No matter what, it’s yours to keep as my way of saying thank you for trying out this offer.

Click here to get started right now…

10. Create urgency by offering a bonus (or bonuses) to the next X number of customers.

• Fast Action Bonus Alert: If you’re one of the next 8 people to claim your copywriting package right now, I’ll throw in a headline critique absolutely FREE! But you need to be quick, so click here to claim yours now before they’re all gone…

• Let me make you an irresistible offer: If you’re one of the next 32 people to click this link and say “yes” to financial freedom, I’ll throw in my personal financial freedom planner absolutely free…

• HEADS UP: 460 aspiring marketers just like you have already claimed their online marketing home study course – that means only 40 fast action bonuses remain! Click here to claim your course – and if you’re quick enough to be one of the next 40 customers, you’ll get the London Seminar DVDs absolutely free!

11. Create urgency by offering a bonus (or bonuses) for a limited time.

• Now I’m going to sweeten the pot: If you act now, you’ll also get the “Avoiding Foreclosure” workbook absolutely free. But hurry, this offer ends Wednesday at noon…

• You’re getting this amazing package for just $67. But let me sweeten the pot: If you order the “Go Green” kit right now, I’ll throw my brand new report, “How to Save a Bundle On Your Home Cooling Bills” absolutely free! That’s a $37 value – and it’s yours free if you click here to order within the next 30 minutes…

• I know – this offer is so good it almost feels like you’re stealing it. But let me put the cherry on top: If you order right now, you’ll get my personal list of children’s book publishers and agents absolutely FREE! But hurry, this offer ends in 24 hours, so click here to claim yours now!

12. Use the “do you agree?” close and call to action.

• Do you agree that this course is your ticket to learning how to blog for a living? And do you agree that you can’t beat the price? Then take out your credit card and click here to get started now…

• Do you agree that the sooner you sell your home, the better? Do you agree that the more money you make on the deal, the happier you’ll feel? And do you agree that you want the whole transaction to be quick, easy and painless?

If so, then click here to order your package now, because this is the book you’ve been searching for!

• Do you agree that you’d look better on the beach this summer if you had ripped abs? Do you agree that you’d like to see the same sort of results I’ve shown you in the video above? If so, here’s your chance – take out your credit card and click here to get started right now…

13. Close the sale by summarizing the offer.

• Let’s quickly recap what you get when you order now:

You get the “Coping With Multiple Sclerosis” guidebook.

You get the “Learning to Enjoy Life Again” DVDs.

And you get the free caretaker’s book that you can give to your loved ones to

help them cope with your illness.

And if you act now, you get the entire package for just $27. Your next step is simple: Take out your credit card and click the “order now” button… and in minutes you’ll have access to everything seen here…

• Order now and you’ll get “How to Write a Sonnet” and “Poem Publishing Secrets” for just $9.99. At last, now you can master the art of writing beautiful poetry – and making a handsome living doing it! Download your copy now by clicking here…

• Order now and you get the entire natural dog health package, including:

The natural flea treatment guidebook – stops fleas in just two minutes. Your dog will love you!

The “Stop an Ear Infection” home remedy video – don’t let your dog suffer a moment longer!

The Raw Diet Conversation audio with Dr. Feelgood – helps your dog live a long, healthy and happy life!

So there’s just one thing left for you to do: Take out your credit card and click here to order now!

14. The “just say maybe” call to action.

• You don’t have to say yes today. All you have to say is “maybe” – then click here to take advantage of your 30 day free trial. It’s completely risk free, so join now…

• You don’t have to say yes today. All you have to say is “maybe” – and that’s because this is a complete risk free offer. You have so much to gain – more traffic, more customers, more sales – and absolutely nothing to lose. So click here to get started right now…

• This is a completely risk free offer. And that means you don’t have to say yes today – all you have to do is say “maybe,” and I’ll give you a full 60 days to examine these money-making strategies in detail. You have nothing to lose, so take out your credit card and click here to claim your copy…

15. The “social proof” call to action.

• There’s only one thing left for you to do: Click here to find out what 592 new parents know about safe and fast foreign adoptions! And remember, your satisfaction is guaranteed…

• YES! I’d like to join 1892 of my fellow writers in learning how to pen a thriller novel! I understand I get the “How to Write a Thriller” book, the Thriller workbook, PLUS I get the bonus “Mystery Novel” package at no extra charge.

Click here to get your package now…

• Count me in! I’d like to join the 7207 other empowered people who’ve learned the

secrets of avoiding bankruptcy and paying off their debts once and for all!

YES! I want to be debt free!

YES! I want to have enough money to enjoy life rather than scrape by!

YES! I want to discover the secrets of financial freedom!

Click here to get your ticket to financial freedom!


*source: BusinessDictionary.com

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