45 Social Media Tips to Increase Your Influence

45 Social Media Tips to Increase Your Influence

By on Oct 20, 2021 in Social Media, Social Networking

Here is a list of random Social Media Tips I have shared online in the past.  It makes for great blog content and will now be easier for me to find again (to repeat – or not).  And for others to share…

Note: this article is republished from May 2017 as I added and changed a few of the tips below.

In no particular order, here are your 45 social media tips to increase your effectiveness, engagement and influence.

  1. Set Goals: What’s your social media goal? If you don’t know where you want to go, it’s pretty hard to get there.  Create a plan for each social media channel you plan to use.
  2. Network where your ideal client is most likely to hang-out online.
  3. Be consistent – post frequently – but not so much that it becomes spam to those following you.
  4. Promote your most popular posts – and that goes for blog posts as well as social media posts. I will definitely be sharing this post often.
  5. If you don’t like tracking, at least track with Facebook Insights. It’ll show you a lot about your Page progress.
  6. How do you get the conversation going on social media? Try humor and controversy. They’re very powerful.
  7. Social media is a powerful thing, but never mistake fooling around with being productive. Stay focused!
  8. Click FB Insights’ “Posts>When Your Fans are Online” to see your audience’s peak posting times. (Post during these times!)
  9. Look for questions repeated over and over on your chosen social networks. Provide the definitive answer.
  10. Analyze your own tweets. Which types got most retweeting? Most Interaction? Questions, graphics or ?
  11. Don’t be shy with your social media presence. Go for it – but be authentic – and be social!
  12. Are you trying to be everyone’s “friend”? Each connection counts – and speaks loudly about who you are to your other connections. Set aside time daily or weekly to review your connections. If you have never interacted, or you don’t share their content, maybe its time to break the connection.
  13. If you want your social content to attract, do your best to share quality tips that are really unique.
  14. Make sure you speak with an identifiable, individual voice when posting social content. Your posts should never sound “canned”.
  15. Be consistent and post regularly during your audience’s peak posting times on any social networks you’ve chosen to frequent.
  16. Posts people skip most? Highly personal negative posts complaining about illness and problems.  (Do you agree?)
  17. Include a mix of rich media in your social content. Video, photos, Instagram, Periscope and YouTube video clips.
  18. Instagram videos are 3 to 60 seconds. How can you use this information for your marketing?  Here is a great article on How to Post Longer Videos on Instagram.
  19. Use Instagram hashtags to crowd-source user-generated content as well as extend your own reach.
  20. Remember that Instagram hashtags are not case-sensitive and don’t work with spaces or special characters.
  21. If your preferred social platform doesn’t have good native analytics, look for third party sites that provide it.
  22. Give your new product campaign a name – and start talking about it on your social media.
  23. Make sure all new product posts are made regularly. Don’t let gaps occur. Keep it fresh in people’s minds (without overdoing it.)
  24. Don’t tell everyone too much at once about your upcoming project. Mystery breeds interest! Hints and teasers are part of the fun.
  25. Similarly, bite-sized content is easier to digest and act upon.  Break up your blog posts into small tips to share on social.
  26. Use surveymonkey.com to create free surveys. You can ask questions for your new product idea and share the link on social media.
  27. Take advantage of the fact you can use text, arrows and calls to action in Facebook Cover photos.
  28. You can display three custom app tabs of your choice in your Facebook header section. Make the most of this “real estate”!
  29. Include a Facebook app tab leading to your sign-up page or form (and use a clear, easy-to-read call to action.)
  30. Only your short description displays in your Facebook header section, but fill out your Profile 100% for maximum  searchability.
  31. Select “Replies On” in your Page Admin panel “Manage Permissions” section to increase the conversation on your Page.
  32. If you consistently get endorsements that are not relevant on LinkedIn,  you can remove them or endorsements altogether. However, the right endorsements help you get found in LinkedIn Search.
  33. Check “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” in LinkedIn to see who is finding you – as well as the keywords they used.
  34. In your LinkedIn Privacy and Settings page, “Select what others see when you’ve viewed their profile” to keep it private – or not.
  35. In Google+ posts, encase text in asterisks for BOLD text and underscore it to create italics.
  36. Create your own animated Gifs using https://giphy.com/create/gifmaker
  37. Use a social media management tool to help you with posting.  These tools should be used to enhance your engagement, not replace it.  Check out Buffer, Hootsuite, Edgar, Commun.it, Postfity, SmarterQueQue and others to see which one you like best.
  38. Post images. Often.  Use tools like Canva, Design WizardPicMonkey, Photoshop, Stencil and Pablo to create and share your images. Check out this post on Buffer for more great tools to create images for social meida
  39. Create lists on Twitter. Add People. Promote  the people on your lists.  These lists also make it easier to find people you want to get to know and network with.
  40. Collaborate with others on social media. Promote their stuff.  Invite them to promote yours.
  41. Capitalize on SEO using keywords in your posts.  Moz has some cool free tools you can use to find the right keywords.
  42. If you are sharing content posted by others, be sure and read it first. Make sure its something your audience would appreciate.
  43. Get the facts straight. Its easy to share without confirmation. But it can be dangerous.
  44. Explore new social media or at least the ones you are not currently using.  Check out sites like Quora and Alignable to see if there are opportunities for you to expand your reach.
  45. Bottom line: Give people a reason to follow you. Quality, consistency, and community are the keys to your success.

And be sure and check out my FREE RESOURCE:

Get Noticed – Get Connected – Get More Business: Using Social Media to Increase Your Influence, Your Following and Your Bottom Line

Grab your copy today!


  1. Great list of social media tips! I especially like #6 for conversations and #37 using a social management tool. Thanks for sharing!

    Livvie Matthews

    May 28, 2018

  2. Thank you Livvie! I appreciate your taking time to read the post!

    Avatar photo Redhead

    June 1, 2018

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