Ask Me Anything – Part Two

Ask Me Anything – Part Two

By on Sep 28, 2015 in Blog, Internet Marketing, Online Marketing

"Ask Me Anything Redhead Marketing"What would be a compelling offer to place on my website to drive people to call and make an appointment for scuba diving?

It really depends on what you are willing to “give” people in terms of service, options and pricing. And I am not suggesting you price low. I tell clients they should NEVER be the lowest price unless they can afford to do so. Can you offer an extra something when people sign up for your lessons? What type of experience can you offer them? What sets you apart from your competition? This type of question is all about differentiation. If you have competition, you need to be different. PERIOD. Could you partner with a videographer and offer to give people a video of their first scuba dive (after the lessons)?

You are selling an experience so people want to see for themselves what that experience offers. Testimonials of satisfied clients work. You could also create a quick video with several clients sharing how much they enjoyed the experience. You start out the video by asking a compelling question. Then show the testimonials, followed by a “call to action.” Emotion sells. Help your visitors “get emotional” about scuba diving with you.

If you have questions you need answers to, email heidi (at) redheadmarketinginc (dot) com today!

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