Tech & Marketing Terms Defined
(newly revised June 21, 2022)
Ever wonder what “Amplify” is? What does it mean when content is “branded“. What does “Cache” mean? Or “Cachet”? How about “Freemium”? These are a small handful marketing terms originated from the internet.
Click on each graphic to read the full definition. These terms have been taken from our newest resource: The Smart Marketing Dictionary. You can learn more about the Smart Marketing Dictionary (and grab your FREE COPY) here:
Be sure and bookmark this page as we add new terms… And feel free to share on social media! Just click on the image you want to share and choose the social channel where you want to post the definition (or share this entire page).
- What does “Advocacy Advertising” Mean #AdvocacyAdvertising
- What does “Amplify” mean? #Amplify
- What is an “autoresponder?”
- What is the Definition of “Bandwidth”? #bandwidth
- What are “Bounce Rates”? #BounceRates
- What is “Branded Content”? #BrandedContent
- What is “Business Blogging”? #businessblogging
- What does “Cache” mean? #cache
- What is ‘Cachet’? #cachet
- What does “Call-to-Action” Mean? #CallToAction
- What is a “Chatbot”? #chatbot
- What is “Churn Rate”? #churnrate
- What is “Conversion Rate”?
- What are “Digital Twins”? #digitaltwins
- What is “Domain Authority”? #domainauthority
- What are “Emoticons”? #Emoticons
- What is “Engagement Rate”?
- What is a ‘Freemium’? #freemium
- What is “Fresh Content”? #freshcontent
- What is “Formula Marketing”? #formulamarketing
- What is “Geo Targeting”? #geotargeting
- What are #Hashtags and Why should I use them?
- What is “IntentionalEngagement? #IntentionalEngagement
- What is “Isolation Effect”?
- What does the term “Killer App” mean? #KillerApp
- What is a “Lead Magnet”? #leadmagnet
- What does Mention/Social Mention really mean? #Mention #SocialMention
- What is “Micro Influencer”? #microinfluencer
- What is “Niche Marketing”? #nichemarketing
- What are “Open Rates”? #openrates
- What is “Page Rank”? #pagerank
- What is “Preselling”? #preselling
- What is “Qualify”? #qualify
- What is “Skyscraping”? #Skyscraping
- What are “Smart Spaces”? #smartspaces
- What is “Social Commerce”? #socialcommerce
- What is Social Listening #sociallistening
- What is “Social Proof?”
- What is “Social Selling”? #SocialSelling
- What is “Social Monitoring”?
- What is “Trendtracking”? #trendtracking
- What is “Universality”? #universality
- What is “Viral Marketing”? #viralmarketing
- What does “Womanomics” Mean? #womanomics
- What is an “XML Sitemap”? #xmlsitemap
- What is “Young Single Stage”? #youngsinglestage
- What is “Zone Pricing”? #zonepricing