Six Business Books on My Reading List

Six Business Books on My Reading List

By on Sep 18, 2018 in Blog, Copywriting, Influencer Marketing, Influencer Marketing

This month I thought I’d do something a little different and share my reading list.  The first four of the six books I purchased during business events are from people I personally know and respect. The other two are books recommended by friends who’s opinion I admire and respect. Here they are (in no particular order):

Meta-Trends and The Next Economy – Turn Potential Losses Into Major Profits by Mark Parrott and Cole Parrott is about utilizing demographics to forecast the health of every economy/industry in the world. Meta-Trends allows you to know the knowable future i.e. Know which businesses to start today, which industries will survive and thrive in the next 15 years, which areas of the economy are worth investing resources in,  future government trends from a threat perspective,  why past trends happened and were actually predictable and more. Meta-Trends motivates you to plan better so that you don’t just survive, you thrive in the next 15 years.  Amazon $19.61 – Kindle $9.99

Stop Hustling Gigs and Start Building a Building a Business – 101+ Tricks of the Trade to Help Entrepreneurs and Self-Employed People Build a Money-Making Machine by Joel G. Block is about this book is all about business. At its core, this book teaches business thinking for business people in all industries. No matter what your field is, try to think broadly when reading this material in order to absorb and apply it to your life in the best possible way. Secondly, the material in this book is generally geared towards advanced (meaning more financially successful) professionals because those are the people with existing momentum who can use this material to propel themselves to the next level—but again, all professionals at any level can highly benefit from the tips and tricks in this book. Amazon $25 – Kindle $9.99

On the Brink: A Fresh Lens to Take Your Business to New Heights by Andi Simon, PhD. is about Businesses, not-for-profits, entrepreneurs are paying close attention. They frequently talk about the need to innovate and change is if these are the sweeping secret sauce to solve all their business problems; however, they often don’t know where to start or how to expand beyond creative brainstorming to strategically identify and act upon new business opportunities. In this book, Andi will take the reader through the theory, methods, and tools of corporate anthropology to see how this new perspective can help a stalled company see possibilities with fresh eyes to re-ignite their growth. Amazon $16.0 – Kindle $7.99

Ultimate Networking: Get Anything You Want by Networking by George Dubec  “Ultimate Networking” is designed to help find out what kind of Networker you are? How to become the “Ultimate Networker?“ How to get anything you want by networking? How to build a referral network…..your network = your net worth? How “Performance Tracking” can increase your effectiveness?  Amazon $19.95

Speak with Impact: How to Command the Room and Influence Others by Allison Shapira – Public speaking is a skill, not a talent. With the right guidance, anyone can be a powerful speaker. Learn to conquer fear, capture attention, motivate action, and take charge of your career with Speak with Impact. Written by an opera singer turned CEO, speaker, and executive communication coach, the book unravels the mysteries of commanding attention in any setting, professional or personal. Amazon $16.90 Kindle $12.99

Escape The 4 Stages of Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur by Anik Singal According to the author Being an Entrepreneur isn’t WHAT you do – it’s WHO you are. Many dream about becoming an Entrepreneur, yet no one has ever discovered the right formula to becoming one. What separates the Entrepreneurs who succeed from those who fail? Unfortunately, as we grow up “in the system” Entrepreneurship is never really presented as an option. As a matter of fact, everything we learn while growing up actually works against us when trying to succeed as an Entrepreneur. In this book, Anik takes you on a journey through the mind of a true Entrepreneur; learn exactly what tools are required to succeed, and transition from employee to Entrepreneur. Amazon $12.99 Kindle $7.97




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