Social Media

6 Reasons Why Your Social Media Strategy Is Not Working
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6 Reasons Why Your Social Media Strategy Is Not Working

By on Jul 8, 2021 in Social Media

Social media is supposed to be the definitive content marketing channel solution, right? But many business owners are discovering it’s easier said than done. Here are a few reasons your social media strategy is not working. 1. You’re not advertising. Yes, social media is free, whereas traditional advertising can cost lots of money. But even so, you have...

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3 Reasons to Brand Your Side Hustle
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3 Reasons to Brand Your Side Hustle

By on Apr 15, 2019 in Advertising, Blog, Branding, content, Influencer Marketing, sales, Social Media

Even if you have no plans of ever leaving your day job to turn your side hustle into a full-time business, it’s still a great idea to think about branding your hustle. Here’s why: 1. Your brand stands for what you want to be known for Branding is more than just your brand name (you can use your own name as a brand name) and your logo (yes, it’s...

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Start Using Facebook Live To Engage Your Audience
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Start Using Facebook Live To Engage Your Audience

By on Oct 25, 2018 in Blog, content, Online Marketing, Social Media, Video

Overview Brands and publishers alike are experimenting with Facebook Live, as a means of providing their audience, a platform to interact and engage in real time. A video can enhance your Facebook reach, while taking less time to post, than creating a write-up. So if you are still wondering how you can start using Facebook live to engage your audience, here is how...

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